About Us
We assess destinations and strategies for social tourism impact and design social tourism solutions to drive access and inclusive participation
Through this alignment we develop a citizenry that travels within its own country and the region, promoting positive stewardship over heritage assets.
fair and sustainable tourism for all
Our purpose
To advocate for socially conscious and responsible tourism policies, strategies, and campaigns that support tourism destinations to be more resilient and contribute to the overall wellbeing of society.

vision | mission | impact
Sustainable and inclusive stewardship over heritage assets through travel and tourism that advances wellbeing
A cohesive and integrated national social tourism programme advancing positive social impacts of tourism
Reconnecting the nation as custodians and ambassadors, to its cultural and natural heritage through tourism
Maikemisetso (Perseverance)
To find solutions that are practical and effective in driving the objectives of the organisation
Ponelopele (visionary/innovative)
We endeavor to be thought leaders and embrace change as part of progress
Botswerere (Diligence)
We are driven by excellence in all we do
Thlompho le Botho (Respect & humility)
Building bridges through effective stakeholder engagement